Monday, September 13, 2010

Carreer. Our way

Commercial Engineering. (Economy)

As a Commercial Engineer you combine your knowledge of products and technical processes of a company with a (general) understanding of marketing, marketing research, purchasing management, international marketing (export/import), materials management, costs and cost price calculations.

We chose this carreer for diferent things in each one, but one important aspect is that we chose Commercial Engineering for the similar objetives that each one are looking in our selves. We'll talk about both on this occasion. Primarily for this discipline are necessary skills and abilities in both science and humanity, that helps us a lot and supports our choice, we want to receive a full comprehensive training and empower us in different areas, (is a specific concept that we share about what is to be a person in this world).

A solid grounding in the theory and practice of economics and economic analysis is what we will learn studying Commercial Engineering. Also we will get the ability to adapt professional practice, to adapt to brusque economic and social changes, to develop creative potential, and identify problems and solutions. To follow this career is necessary a solid foundation in upper secondary school mathematics and the ability to use this to acquire notions of accounting and statistics, but the most important is to have critical reasoning skills and personal initiative, for misfortune of some these last skills are something you can't get; it's a way of being. Language competence, especially in English and Chinese Mandarin could be important too, in our development as a proffesional.

It’s a short career, just 4 years, and the place where we can study it, is in a Faculty of Economics in Some University or in School of Economy. Once you have finished the first year you have 88% probability of to work and the average salary is $926.763, but this is an average and the real salary will depend of the job, which could be management positions in local, regional and national public administration, private-sector, freelance practice and consultancy, work in international organizations dedicated to economics and finance, teaching and research.

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