Friday, August 6, 2010

You Say

Along the Way
- Are you ready for this night?
- I’m not sure if I’m going this night, I’ll see along the way.

- What are you going to do after school?
- I don’t know. I’m living along the way for today.

To be About
-This book about the Second World War is excellent.

-Sorry, I wasn’t listening to you. What were you talking about?

No Way
-Let’s go to watch “Transformers” to the cinema.
-No, way! That movie is horrible.

-Tomorrow is the NBA’s end of season. We have to support to Celtics.
-No, way! Lakers has to win!

To be fed up with
-Works! Tests! I’m fed up with the school.

-I’m fed up with this program. Can I change the channel?

To be none of somebody’s business
-Did Max approved?
-I don’t think so. When I asked him he said “It’s none of your business”

-It’s none of your business. Don’t ask any more.

To make up your mind
-Hamburger or hot dog? It’ll be easy to make up my mind. I’m not hungry.

-If you can’t make up your mind I could choose for you.

Don’t think twice about it
-It’s very cheap. Don’t think twice about it.

-I was invited to a Big Techno Party this night but I’m not sure.
-Are you kidding? Don’t think twice about it, just go!

It doesn’t matter
-Sorry, I broke your ruler.
-It doesn’t matter, I have another one.

-Do you matter if I take one of your cookies?

To be up
-There is nothing I can do for you. It’s totally up to you.

-I know it’s up to me, but can you advice me please?

Every cloud has a silver lining
-I guess you are sad for brake up with your boyfriend.
-No, every cloud has a silver lining.

-It’s our last year in the school but every cloud has a silver lining, nest year we’ll start something new.

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