Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Other Marvels

Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia is the real name of Sagrada Famailia, Roman Catholic temple placed in Barcelona, Catalonia that is the most emblematic building of the modernisme and the most important work of the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. Nevertheless at the first time he wasn’t working on it, because in 1882 when the temple started to be built the architect was Francisco de Paula, who designed a Gothic Revival temple, but one year later he resigned because of disagreement with the consultant architect of the man who gave the place for the construction. Then Gaudí assumed the project redesigning everything and creating a new and more overambitious building, but it was so ambitious that until today it hasn’t been finished and probably it won’t happen soon.

People has always use the adjective “great” to qualify what they consider most amazing, in that way we can say that the big size of the Burj Khalifa is an incredible achievement of engineering and definitely the skyscraper designed by Adrian Smith is great. In 2004 when it had started to be build was called Burj Dubai, because it didn’t have name yet and was in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, by the way Burj means “tower”. But on 4 January, 2010 in the inauguration it took the name of Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Sheik reigning in Abu Dhabi, Emirate that lent US$25 billions to Dubai for save the financial crisis of 2009 Also there was revealed the real magnitude of the building that with 828m of height became in the biggest building in the whole world exceeded to Taipei 101, that has the second place now with just 509m.

Faith can everything and the Muslims have could make a wonderful monument to their god Allah in the sacred city Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Masjid al-Haram is the name of the mosque where every year, just in the Hajj, around 2 millions faithful go to do the Tawaf, pilgrimage that all Muslim have to do at least once in his life. There is the Kaaba, “the House of God” where divine touches earthly; it has in its eastern corner the Black Stone. Tradition says that the mosque was built under orders from Allah, before the humanity’s creation, as a reflection in the earth of the worship’s place of the angels in the heaven, directly up of Kaaba. This was built by angels and hereinafter by Adam, the first man, who reconstructed it. Abraham was third and the last who reconstructed it with help of his son Ismael. The Black Stone located in the fourth corner of the Kaaba came from paradise and its black color is due to the sins of the men.

Middle Age is considerate for some people as a Dark Age because they think that culture had a backward step. But in the year 888 happened something that became a small town from Catalan Pyrenees in the most important cultural center in Europe for centuries. This town is Ripoll and what happened was that the Count Guifré el Pilós founded the Monestir de Santa Maria de Ripoll valued as the main building of Romanesque architecture. In spite of not be very known worldwide important things happened there, translation of many books were made in its scriptorium, the most amazing of the epoch, where in addition was written the Ripoll’s Bible that has numerous illustrations and a lot of introductory texts that make her in a kind of encyclopedia of the sacred text. Also in the monastery were took many important decisions since there studied several Popes and was usual the visit of different counts from Catalonia.

Another amazing mysterious city in Peru, this time Cahuachi a sacred place that was the capital of the political and religious power in the pre-Columbian culture Nazca, nevertheless, the city was founded before their appearing on century IV B.C. and later was took by them, who continued building it until convert it in the biggest mud’s city in the world. In spite of its big size it never was taken up completely because just the elite had right to live there, from this place they arranged everything and probably the famous Nazca Lines were planned in Cahuachi. The incredible pyramids, statues, walls, etc. everyone made with mud was destroyed on century IV A.C. by a “Super El Niño-Southern Oscillation” that caused alluviums.

Belief in life after death has motivated the construction of wonderful monuments, kings, pharaohs, emperors has sacrificed their people to achieve everlasting life. Maybe the most incredible is the Qin’s mausoleum, First Emperor of China, who ordered to build The Great Wall and Terracotta Army. Emperor Qin was obsessed with immortality for that reason to locate his tomb he chose Lishan mountain, rich in gold and jade, that in Chinese culture represents Yin and Yang respectively. The construction that took 40 years began around 246 B.C. and cost the life of many people consists of a principal tomb where the Emperor lies and three moats that together have more than 7000 soldiers made with terracotta and metals as gold, silver and bronze. The most amazing is that each figure has its own features, clothes, hairstyle, etc. In addition although pictures show uncolored soldiers everyone was painted, really a hard work.

If we hear Potala Palace probably won’t mean anything for us, but this is the maxim expression of Tibetan architecture and residence of Dalai Lamas. In Lasha, capital of Tibet, is in middle of the city the Hongashan mountain with 3700m of height, there in the top is located, since the VII century, the Palace which is made up by the White and Red Palace. It was built under instructions of the Tibetan King Sontsan Gampo because of the Wen Cheng princess’ arrival. Later the fifth Dalai Lama took possession of the Palace extending it to colossal dimensions to show the sacred and earthly power of Tibetan Buddhism.

Master Gérard was assigned to build the masterpiece of the Gothic architecture, then on 14th August, 1248 was started in Cologne, Germany, the construction of a Cathedral that wasn’t finished since 1880 because construction was stopped in 1510 and just was taken up again in 1817 when the original planes were found. It is home of the biggest bell that operates in the world called “Der Dicke Pitter” that means “The fat Peter” and also in the Cathedral is the sepulcher of the three Kings from the East.

If you add color, light, movement, music and aquatic acrobatics you will obtain a magic show, and you only will be able to watch something like that in the Font Màgica de Montjuïc. It was built, with other monuments, on the occasion of the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition by the architect and engineer Carles Buïgas I Sans, who presents the project just one year before, reason for why everybody thought that it couldn’t be finished at time, but more than 3000 workers were employed in the construction, thanks to this the Font could be finished in less than one year. The beautiful show that it affords makes to forget for a minute the turbulent and bloody history of Montjuïc since this mountain, with its Castle and Palace, has been witness of emblematic moments of Barcelona and Catalonia’s history.

Usually great monuments last a long time, since we put all our effort on it, so it’s normal that we don’t want that it won’t be damaged, but sometimes in spite of the effort result can be ephemeral, although it doesn’t mean that it’s not beautiful and that it doesn’t worth it. An excellent example of it is the IceHotel in Jukasjärvi, Sweden, near of Arctic Circle. Every year since 1990 the jury of the IceHotel Art&Design Group select proximally 40 artists and designers to build the hotel that only will exist between December and April. IceHotel just was the first now there is a lot of this kind of hotel in different parts of the world following the example of this work of art that was able to reinvent the traditional idea what is a holidays.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The New Seven Marvels of the Modern World

Petra (9 B.C. - 40 A.D.). Petra, Jordan.

At the edge of the Arabic desert, Petra was the shining capital of the Nabataean kingdom of the king Aretas IV. Masters of the technology of the water, the Nabataeans provided to the city wonderful constructions of tunnels and water chambers. A theatre built according to the Greco-Roman canons was offering space for 4.000 spectators. Nowadays, Petra's Royal Tombs, with a Hellenistic front of 42 meters of height, part of the The Deir monastery, constitute impressive examples of the culture of Middle East and the most impressive is that all this was sculpt directly in the rock.

Wallpaper del Cristo Redentor
Christ Redeemer (1931). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

This Jesus' statue has approximately 38 meters of height and is on the top of the mountain Corcovado, protecting and hugging Rio de Janeiro. Designed by the Brazilian sculptor Heitor da Silva Coast and created by the French sculptor Paul Landowski, is one of the monuments most known in the world. Its construction took five years, for what it was unveiled on October 12, 1931. The Christ, that represents the love and the brotherhood, has turned into a symbol of the city and the warmth of the Brazilians people, who receive the tourists with their opened arms.

Machu Picchu (1460 - 1470). Machu Picchu, Peru.

In the 15th century, the Inca emperor Pachacutec built a city in the clouds of the mountain known as Machu Picchu ("Old Mountain"). This extraordinary emplacement is half a way to the plateau of the Andes, in the middle of the Amazonian jungle and in the left brook of the Urubamba Cannon. It was left by Incas due to an appear of smallpox and after the Spanish were winning to the Inca Empire, the city remained “hidden” for three centuries. It was discovered again by Hiram Bingham in 1911.

Chichen Itza's pyramid (before 800 A.D.). Peninsula of the Yucatan, Mexico.
Chichen Itza is a pyramid which can be considerate the most famous of the Mayan culture and it constituted the political and economic center of the Mayan civilization. Its different structures, Kukulkán pyramid, Chac Mol temple, a Group of Thousand Columns and the Great Game of Ball can be still visit at present. The pyramid is 60 meters of side and 24 of height; it's formed by 9 staggered structures that symbolize the levels of the underworld. Each one of its sides has a stairs, with 91 steps, which make possible to go to the temple in the top.

Roman coliseum (70 - 82 A.D.). Rome, Italy.

This great amphitheatre placed in the center of Rome was built to pay full honors to the good legionary fighters and to celebrate the glory of the Roman Empire. Its original design still remains and practically all the modern stadiums of sports, 2000 years later continue taking the unmistakable style of the Colosseum's design. At present, thanks to the movies and the books, we can understand better the fights and the cruel games that took place in this sand, everything for the entertainment of the spectators.

The Taj Mahal (1631 - 1654 A.C.) Agra, India.
A beautiful love story is the origin of a wonderful marvel, built in Agra, India between 1631 and 1654 on order of Shah Jahan, the fifth ruler of the Mughal Empire, in memory of his loved wife who died in her fourteenth labor. One year later started the construction of this immense mausoleum that doesn’t have anything to envy to Mausolus’ tomb (marvel of the ancient world). 20.000 workers were needed to build it and rumors say that Shah Jahan ordered to blind and amputate the hands of the architects and decorators in order that they never could make something similar again.

La Gran Muralla china
The Great Wall of China (V B.C), China

Great is exactly the word that better describes The Great Wall of China since it stretches for 8,851.8 km and in average, it measures between 6 to 7 meters of height and between 4 to 5 meters of width. But why Imperial China needed this big wall? Qin emperor, during the dynasty with the same name, order the construction to defend his nation against the prowler nomadic tribes; and it continued across the successive Chinese dynasties. Several thousand people lost their lives building this colossal emblem.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Seven Marvels of the Ancient World

The most ancient of the marvels is the monumental set of Gizeh's pyramids, in Egypt. The Egyptians initiated the construction of pyramids a lot of time ago, along his Old Kingdom: the most ancient have near FIVE THOUSAND years. However, from the Old Kingdom we preserve just eighty of them, distributed by the Lower Egypt. They have already near five thousand years until the present day, and the humanity still hasn't building anything similar. The smallest of three Gizeh's pyramids multiplies several times the weight of the major one of the modern constructions.

The King Nabucodonosor II was famous for being a great warrior and conqueror, also was known for his good endowments as builder, because he carried out numerous monumental constructions in the city of Babylonia, called Babel in the Bible. This city was flat, which was saddening his wife Amytis, who came from the mountains. For it, he starts the construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon with the shape of a hill, exuberant of trees, flowers, shrubs, etc. It took up a surface of 19.600 m2 and had a height estimated of 90 m, according to references of classic historians as Estrabón. It was built between 605 B.C. and 562 B.C.

Artemisa, Apollo’s sister, was the Greek goddess of the Moon, the nature and the fertility. The great Temple was dedicated to this goddess in Éfeso's city (Turkey) towards 550 B.C., using 120 years in his construction, but it was destroyed in an arson the same night that burn Alexander the Great, in 356 B.C. provoked by the demented beggar, Eróstrato. The reason for why he did it was that he wanted to be famous, he wanted that his name was remembered around the world for ever and the only way that he saw was burn the most beautiful of the buildings in the world, but the Ephesians were feeling so angered that tried that his name was disappearing of any record, nevertheless, he achieved his task because his name has arrived to our time thanks to the historian Estrabón.

In the original city of the Olympian Games, Olimpia, the most famous architect, painter and sculptor in the Ancient Greece, Fidias, built a majestic ivory’s statue of 13m high, which represented to the God for who were dedicated the Games every 4 years, Zeus. In present nobody knows the details of how it was because this was so big that the visitors were more capable to describe how the throne than the Zeus’ body and his facial features. Actually the proportions of the God weren’t accord to the Temple and if he had could stand up he had broken it because his head grazed the roof.

Mausolus was the most important Satrap of Caria and the owner of the most beautiful tomb ever seen. Mausolus was who re-founded  Halicarnassus and this was the reason why the monumental tomb of white marble was built in that city, since in that epoch was habitual that the founder of a city was receiving the maximum honors and a tomb in his central square. But according to the historians, Mausolus’ life didn’t have anything prominently except the construction of his tomb. The project was conceived for Artemisia II of Caria, his wife and sister. The construction was begun during Mausolus’ government and was finished about 350 B.C., three years after Mausolus’ death and one year after Artemisia's death.

When Zeus decided to distribute islands and cities to the other gods he forgot to include to Heliums. Faced with this dilemma of having to begin everything again, Helium proposed that Zeus was giving him an island that he had observed to emerge of the sea, in the south of Asia Minor. When Rhodes emerged of the sea, Helium proclaimed it as his.

The Colossus of Rhodes, of 32m of height and 70 tons of weight, was built for 12 years after important warlike victories in honor of the god of the Sun and protector of the city. This marvel was the most ephemeral of all, since it was just 56 years risen because was knocked down for an earthquake. The inhabitants decided not reconstruct it product of what an oracle had said. Nevertheless, at present there is a project to construct a new Colossus in the island, which will be much bigger since it will measure between 60 and 100m.

Pharos' city was in front to Alexandria, famous city with a very important port in the Nile Delta zone, but it had a serious problem, this zone was very flat and therefore it didn’t had reference points for the navigators. For this reason in the year 290 B.C. the King Ptolemy II of Egypt decided to built a great tower that could be seen from the  distance for the constant fluent of crafts that were going to Alexandria. The way it worked was by means of metallic mirrors to indicate its position reflecting the light of the Sun; and in the nights a bonfire was ignited. With more of 120m high, this tower was for a very long time the highest building in the world.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Carreer. Our way

Commercial Engineering. (Economy)

As a Commercial Engineer you combine your knowledge of products and technical processes of a company with a (general) understanding of marketing, marketing research, purchasing management, international marketing (export/import), materials management, costs and cost price calculations.

We chose this carreer for diferent things in each one, but one important aspect is that we chose Commercial Engineering for the similar objetives that each one are looking in our selves. We'll talk about both on this occasion. Primarily for this discipline are necessary skills and abilities in both science and humanity, that helps us a lot and supports our choice, we want to receive a full comprehensive training and empower us in different areas, (is a specific concept that we share about what is to be a person in this world).

A solid grounding in the theory and practice of economics and economic analysis is what we will learn studying Commercial Engineering. Also we will get the ability to adapt professional practice, to adapt to brusque economic and social changes, to develop creative potential, and identify problems and solutions. To follow this career is necessary a solid foundation in upper secondary school mathematics and the ability to use this to acquire notions of accounting and statistics, but the most important is to have critical reasoning skills and personal initiative, for misfortune of some these last skills are something you can't get; it's a way of being. Language competence, especially in English and Chinese Mandarin could be important too, in our development as a proffesional.

It’s a short career, just 4 years, and the place where we can study it, is in a Faculty of Economics in Some University or in School of Economy. Once you have finished the first year you have 88% probability of to work and the average salary is $926.763, but this is an average and the real salary will depend of the job, which could be management positions in local, regional and national public administration, private-sector, freelance practice and consultancy, work in international organizations dedicated to economics and finance, teaching and research.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Poseidon Restaurant

Next month there will be to the service of the public a new restaurant of excellence that will put at the disposal of all you a delicious repertory of appetizers, main dish and desserts with those who will be able to be delighted and to do a gift to his senses. Smell, taste and sight will be enraptured by our unpublished recipes developed by the group of top chef masters that is at the service of our kitchen.

As part of a prestigious chain of restaurants lengthways and width of the whole world we have met whit the task of leaving again in high place the name of the Mount Olympus Restaurants and for it we have decided to innovate in the area opening a submarine restaurant, where beside enjoying his food you will be able to amuse with a new landscape.

Poseidon is the name of this new place where you will be able to come and to spend a good time with your friends, to have an entertaining familiar dinner or to coordinate important meetings in a comfortable and calm environment surrounded with manta ray and different kinds of beautiful fish with varied sizes and colors. A lot of time will not have passed from your arrival when you realize that Poseidon has turned into one of your favorite places.

But what would be of a restaurant without exquisite meals, is because of it that we possess a menu of culinary excellence that has generated big expectations in the critique worldwide who hopes with anxieties that we open our doors. We are sure that we will not defraud them because each of our recipes has been created specially by experts of the kitchen to be served in our restaurant in exclusive form.
So remember that in one month we will be ready in order that you enjoy.